So pretty disappointed in WindowBlinds. I am a OD Subscriber for many years and I like the products I have paid for. WB works great on Windows 10 but I'm not going backwards. When WIN11 came out I immediately installed WB and although most of the skins work it bogged down my system that I could not even open up outlook until I excluded it "per app" and Stardock claims WB is faster than the default skin WIN11 gives right Out of the Box. So I put WB aside and pretty much all Stardock products. When Win11 Build 24H2 came out that build was pretty fast. BTW...I have an Intel i9 10th gen with 64 GB RAM. So with that build I decided to give OD and all it's apps a chance but can you imagine that all the Skins I load bog down my system. When opening Outlook it was so slow I had to revert back without WB and low and behold everything starting working normally again. I think what is happening is OD's WB is optimized for 24H2 but I could be wrong. What I think is happening here is all the WB skins here on Wincustomize are designed for Win7 and Win10. I would like to see Stardock go through the skins available on Wincustomize and separate them out based on Win7/10/11 accordingly and maybe even use separate libraries because right now they seem to load up but wreak havok with your resources, etc. What do you think Stardock, are you up to the challenge to keep happy customers!